The Banjo Kings. By Derek Foster

Como muestra del empeño de conservar para generaciones futuras he aquí un texto de mi padre homenaje a los Banjo Kings de Southern Suburbs.

The Banjo Kings playing at the Old P 1959 yearly dance.
L to R: Leslie Cockshot, Alice Meek, Erik Meek, Myra Comber and Billy Thomas.

Erik Meek was very much an entity in himself and a great contributor to the BCC (in those days) gatherings.
He was the youngest member of the family and his brothers Victor and Cecil (died in WW1) went to school in Watford (UK) together with my father.
My father Harry, once discharged from the army, came for a visit to Argentina. Finding such a progressive country he decided to stay joining the Great Southern Railway.
Sometime later young Erik arrived on a contract to the same railroad. When meeting they became great friends and as time went by so did the Foster/Meek families.
The two friends became very enthusiastic fishermen and their adventures in different rivers and lakes were very good stories.
During WW2 Erik, together with George Dent, Reginald Hortis and many others set up musical shows and light comedies at get-togethers for the local British Community in aid of funds for the war effort.
After the war Erik, together with Billy Thomas and Leslie Cockshot under the name of Banjo Kings kept giving concerts for many years also for fund for the BCC.

Newspaper clipping reporting OLd P´s yearly dance in 1959
and de Banjo Kings's participation.

When the railways were sold, Erik, as many others, was dismissed and worked for Duperial, later for the British Embassy.    At the same time started giving private English lessons where he excelled.

The last time I met “Uncle Erik” was in 1983 at “Billy & Leslie 25th anniversary” that took place at St.Alban´s College. But by that time Erik could not take part as he had problems with his hands.   However he danced most of the night with a very pretty lady.

Progran of the 25th Aniversary of Billy&Leslie featuring Tommy Banfather as member of the trio. 

The Banjo Kings, Erik, Billy and Leslie have all now departed. A farewell to them, and many thanks for many enjoyable times.

Till we meet again          

For more information I attach my blog address where some fishing stories of Erik and Harry are mentioned:

If you wish to read more stories of those days I invite you to visit:

The Fosters/Stevensons (part one)
The Fosters/Malmierca (part  two)
Estancia Santa Catalina (part three)
Saddle Bums (part four)
John Deere Times (part four continued)


  1. Que estupendo recuerdo! y que buen sonido el del banjo, al ver la foto me parece oirlo!. En 1962, cuando yo tenia un boliche frente al Normal de Lomas, venia un joven conocido a tocar el banjo. Tengo que buscar entre mis viejas fotos, tal vez sea alguno de estos musicos. Abrazo

    1. Gracias Carlos por tu comentario. Estaría buenísimo que encontraras la foto del conocido tuyo que iba a tocar a tu boliche. Cómo se llamaba? Existe aún?

    2. Hola Julio, no recuerdo el nombre de el. Pero encontré las fotos y te las mando a tu mail. Saludos.


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